Businesses That You Can Start With KES1000-10,000

Businesses That You Can Start With Small Capital

Businesses That You Can Start With Small Capital. Businesses That You Can Start With KES1000-10,000. Starting a business with a budget of KES 1,000 to 10,000 can be challenging, but it’s possible with careful planning and a focus on low-overhead ventures. Here are several business ideas that you can consider within this budget range

Regardless of the tough business environment in Kenya especially after Kenya was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, there are still a number of businesses that one can start and thrive with a small capital of as low as 1,000/= such as:

Businesses That You Can Start With Small Capital

Profitable Businesses That You Can Start With KES1000-10,000.


Selling eggs and smokies in the streets is one of the most profitable businesses that everyone can start and run in Kenya with a small amount of capital starting from 1,000/=.

All you need is to get a reliable egg supplier who is selling at a cheaper price, get a small bucket for a start that costs around 150/=, a good joint where you will be selling from probably a small market center with traffic, or a busy road junction. Get about two trays to start and since the business gets double returns you will be good to go.


Selling fruits is also another profitable business that you can start with a small amount of capital. You don’t need to be housed anywhere but just a bucket, knife, and fruit supplier. Identify a busy street or a town and operate from there.


To be a content creator does not require huge investments but just your personal creativity, a phone, and bundles to open and access social media platforms to push your content. Different social media platforms such as Youtube, TikTok, and Instagram do pay differently.


Milk vendors on the streets is a good businesses in the streets that do not also require huge investments to run. You only need a milk jerrican and a good joint that has traffic from where customers will be buying your milk from. Cleanliness is a big factor that a milk vendor should put into consideration to ensure that the milk does not go bas easily.


Cooking foods in busy places such as bus stations is a great profit in Kenya that does not require heavy capital to start and run


With the mitumba business, you don’t need to be a degree holder or have huge capital to start the game. to strive in the business; all you need is to conduct a good market survey on where there is a business niche and then visit the Gikomba market in Nairobi. You will also be required to conduct a good survey to get in touch with a good seller who will be supplying you with the shoes. One pair of second-hand shoes for ladies, for example, goes at 100 KSH but in return, you can sell it for 300 KSH making a good profit of 200 KSH. You don’t need to buy a whale bale either to make it in the mitumba business but you can even start with like 10 pairs. That will cost you around 2000 KSH to start the business.

Starting a business with limited capital requires creativity and diligence, but with the right approach, you can grow a successful venture from a small investment.

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