Kenyan Parliament Website Hacked

Kenyan Parliament Website Hacked Amid Finance Bill 2024 Protests

Kenyan Parliament Website Hacked Amid Finance Bill 2024 Protests. A gigantic upswing has been witnessed amidst of the protests against Kenya’s Finance Bill 2024 with a hack of the Kenyan Parliament’s official website. The hacktivist collective Anonymous is suspected of being behind this cyberattack, which coincides with a rise in public anger and discontent over the proposed tax changes. In addition to interfering with the Parliament’s digital operations, the hack has sent a strong message about the mounting tension and the extent to which the bill’s opponents are prepared to go.

Its just hours after the Hacktivist Group Anonymous Warning to the Kenyan government

Here’s an expaliner of the Implications of Anonymous Warning to the Kenyan government

The group was seen to be in support of Kenyans aganist Proposed Finance Bill with their post on X  account

Recent weeks have seen significant public unrest centering on Kenya, which is attributed to the proposed Finance Bill 2024. World leaders have taken notice of this program, which attempts to broaden the government’s revenue base and has provoked widespread protests. Numerous society organizations have strongly opposed the proposed bill, which includes extra tax measures, which has sparked a widespread wave of protests.

The Hack: Specifics and Repercussions

The Kenyan Parliament’s official website was taken down in the early hours of June 20, 2024. The attack was attributed to the decentralized multinational hacktivist group Anonymous. The gang shared the following statement on social media:

“We support the Kenyan people.” The Finance Bill 2024 is an obvious attempt to impose unjust taxes on the hardworking people. We are not going to observe passively. This is only the start.

Messages criticizing the Finance Bill and demanding the resignation of important government officials were posted on the compromised website. The hackers also released documents that they claimed to be internal correspondence regarding the bill in an effort to reveal what they called “government corruption and negligence.”

After the passing of The Finance Bill 2024 in the second stage with 204 MPs voting Yes aganist 105 who voted NO, netizens have turned to Anonymous asking the group to save them.

Members of Parliament who supported the Finance Bill 2024

Gen Z Driven Protests in Kenya

Generation Z has been in the forefront of the anti-bill protests, organizing and amplifying their views through social media. Protests have occurred in major cities such as Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, frequently leading to confrontations with law forces. The cyberattack on the Parliament’s website marks a substantial uptick in the strategies being utilized to fight the bill against this turbulent background.