A Win for Public Driven Protests in Kenya

A Win for Public Driven Protests in Kenya

It was a Big! Big! Win for Public Driven Protests in Kenya. As the saying goes, “United we stand divided we fall” has to be the saying of the day after Kenyans in unions stood up aganist the Proposed Finance Bill 2024. Protests organized by the general public have played a signifacant role in bringing attention to social issues and changes in the Proposed Finance Bill Bill 2024. Kenyans seeks more political reforms and demand accountability from the government which has consiostently increased taxes burdening Kenyans heavily.

Tuesday Protests in Kenya Are Historical

The movement which has been heavily influenced by Netizens mostly from X (formerly Twitter) can be seen as a great win to the them after the government gave a public speech claiming that they have removed all the items which were imposed. The Protest which had a number of Celebrities coming through in support of Kenyans will go down in History as the mother of revolution in Kenya

Celebrities in the Protest

Blessed Njugush, Atemi Oyungu, Charisma, Jackie Matubia, Mwalimu Rachel, Sewer Syda Wakadinali, Adele Onyango, Bien Sol, Patricia Kihoro, Singer – Maandy among Others

Such demonstration are mostly led by Oppositions leaders but this one time Kenyans did it without them to push the government to listen to their cries and take action to remove the huge taxes. Despite Police officers as usual being used by the government to distract the peaceful demonstrations, they are not giving up on it.
The Finance Bill 2024 which was to be a big source of money to fund the Budget 2024/2025 was to impose huge taxes to the Kenyans.
Learn More about the Proposed Finance Bill Bill 2024. An Explainer of the Proposed Finance Bill 2024

Finance Bill 2024 in summary:

  1. Bread: 16% VAT proposed, at least Sh10 rise
  2. Mobile Money: Excise duty on cash transfer to rise to 20% from 15%.
  3. Alcohol (for example, a litre of whisky) prices will go up to Sh267 (from Sh592-Sh720).
  4. A Motor Vehicle Tax of 2.5% of the vehicle’s value will be payable at the time of insurance issuance.
  5. The minimum amount payable on each vehicle is Sh5,000, and the maximum is Sh100,000.
  6. Bank fees: Excise duty on money transfer to increase to 20% from 15%.
  7. Cigarettes: Excise duty on unfiltered stick cigars to rise to Sh4.10 from Sh2.96.
The Kenya Kwanza Government listens and has done justice to the constitutional principle of public participation:

Things Which were Scrapped From The Finance Bill 2024

1. 16 per cent VAT on bread REMOVED.
2. VAT on transportation of sugar also REMOVED.
4. NO INCREASE on mobile money transfer.
5. 2.5 per cent Motor Vehicle Tax has also been REMOVED
6. Excise duty on vegetable oil REMOVED
7. Locally manufactured products, including sanitary towels, diapers, phones, computers, tyres and motor cycles, will NOT ATTRACT the Eco Levy
8. ETIMS has EXCLUDED farmers and small businesses with a turnover of below Ksh.1 million

See what Kenyans have to say about the Finance Bill 2024 > Click Here