Delete these from your CV

5Delete these from your CV

Delete these from your CV. Recruiters scan resumes for only a few seconds on average, so it’s critical to make sure that every section of your CV properly highlights your qualifications and delivers value. As the saying goes; when it comes to crafting a Professional CV, less is often more.

Read > Importance of a Good CV

To give your CV greater impact, you might think about removing the following items:

At the Personal Profile Section

  1. Unofficial Names (Nicknames)
  2. Your marital status,
  3. Date of birth
  4. Religion
  5. ID number
  6. Political Affiliations
  7. Unprofessional Email

Provide such details only upon request by the recruiter. 

At the Education Backgroun Section

  • Primary School & High School Information (if you have a college degree)

Once you have a college degree, including high school information becomes redundant. Focus on higher education and relevant professional development.

Irrelevant work experience

Even while it’s critical to have a consistent work history, not every employment experience is pertinent to the role you’re seeking. Pay attention to positions that showcase abilities and backgrounds relevant to your ideal position. Take into consideration deleting early-career positions that don’t provide value if you have a lot of experience.

Irrelevant skills

Soft talents are crucial, but rather than being enumerated as stand-alone items, they should be illustrated by your experiences and accomplishments. Pay attention to your hard skills and give proof of how your soft skills improved your past employment.


Remove explanation. Don’t need to specify hobbies unless directly relevant to the job.

Give your Hobbies only if the employer asks for them.

Final Word

Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV for each job application to align with the job description and highlight relevant experiences and skills.
Get a Professional CV today > Get a CV
Learn How to Write a CV > How to Write a Good CV

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